
What is In-App Feedback And How to Collect It

What is In-App Feedback?

Apps are never truly finished – they constantly evolve. In-app feedback is a continuous loop of improvement. Users provide feedback, you implement changes, and users respond – this cycle keeps your app constantly evolving and meeting their needs.

Why Collect In-App Feedback?

In-app feedback is your key to unlocking an app users adore. It's a direct line to their experiences, helping you craft a stellar user experience and keep them engaged. Here's why it's crucial:

A. Enhance User Experience (UX) in Real-Time
  • Catch Bugs on Impact: Confusing screens can lead to frustrated users. In-app feedback allows them to report issues instantly, enabling swift fixes for a smooth mobile app customer experience.
  • Gather User-Driven Improvements: Brilliant ideas often come from your users. In-app feedback empowers them to share suggestions for new features or ways to improve existing ones. This valuable input lets you tailor the app precisely to their needs.
  • Contextual Understanding in Action: In-app feedback reveals how users interact with specific features. This contextual insight helps pinpoint areas for improvement and make targeted adjustments for better usability.
B. Increase User Satisfaction and Retention
  • Show You Value Their Voice: Feeling heard matters. In-app feedback provides a dedicated channel for users to express their thoughts and feelings. This demonstrates your commitment to mobile customer experience, fostering trust and loyalty.
  • Proactive Problem-Solving: Gain real-time insights into user experiences through in-app feedback. This allows you to proactively address frustrations before users abandon your app.
  • Foster a Two-Way Conversation: In-app feedback creates a sense of community. Users feel valued as partners in the app's development, boosting overall satisfaction and retention.
C. Inform Product Development with User-Driven Innovation
  • Rapid Feature Validation: Test new features with in-app feedback to get immediate user reactions. This helps validate your ideas and refine concepts before significant development investment.
  • Prioritize Development Based on User Needs: In-app feedback reveals the features and improvements users desire most. Prioritizing development based on this data ensures your app stays relevant and ahead of the competition.
  • Fast Insights, Faster Action: Unlike traditional surveys, in-app feedback offers immediate insights. You can quickly identify areas needing attention and implement solutions efficiently, keeping your app constantly evolving to meet user demands.

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Best Practices for Running In-App Surveys

  • Respect User Time: Keep surveys short and non-intrusive. Don't bombard users with lengthy questionnaires – a few well-chosen questions can be incredibly valuable.
  • Transparency is Key: Let users know how their feedback is used. Explain how their input shapes the app's development and future improvements.
  • Constant Improvement: Don't settle for a static feedback system. Test different methods and refine your approach based on user response and the data you collect.
  • Actionable Insights: Focus on gathering feedback that translates into concrete improvements. Tailor your questions to generate actionable data that helps you solve user problems and enhance the app's functionality.
  • Concise & Focused: Keep surveys brief and to the point. Utilize clear, concise questions that are easy to understand and answer quickly.
  • Targeted Feedback: Don't ask everyone the same thing. Target surveys based on user behavior and context within the app. This allows you to gather more specific and relevant insights.
  • Make it Easy: Make it easy for users to provide feedback. Utilize one-click options, emoji reactions, or other user-friendly methods that encourage participation.
  • Show Appreciation: Thank users for their time and feedback. A simple "thank you" message goes a long way in showing you value their input. Additionally, consider responding to specific concerns or suggestions to demonstrate you're actively listening.
  • Act on Feedback: Don't just collect feedback – use it! Integrate user insights into your app development process. Show users that their voices matter by iterating on the app based on their suggestions.

Direct Feedback within the App Interface:

In-App Feedback Forms:

In-app feedback Forms allow users to directly communicate their app experience, offering a convenient channel for suggestions, issues, or compliments without leaving the app. These forms typically feature fields for users to input feedback, along with options for attaching screenshots or other relevant information. The feedback submitted through these forms is then forwarded to developers for review and action.

Users can access the feedback form through a designated section within the app or via a feedback button or menu option. Once accessed, users can provide their thoughts and submit them for consideration.

  • Pros: Provides a direct channel for users to communicate with developers, encourages user engagement and loyalty, and allows for detailed feedback including attachments.
  • Cons: Users may not always take the time to fill out feedback forms, feedback can be biased towards negative experiences, and may require developers to sift through large amounts of feedback for actionable insights.
Bug Reports

Bug reports serve the purpose of enabling users to report technical issues or glitches encountered while using the app, thereby aiding developers in improving the overall user experience. Users can submit detailed bug reports, including steps to reproduce the issue and relevant screenshots or error messages. Developers then investigate and address the reported bugs accordingly.

 Bug reporting functionality is typically integrated into the app, accessible through a dedicated bug reporting button or menu option. Users can submit bug reports in real time as they encounter issues.

  • Pros: Enables users to contribute to app improvement, helps developers identify and prioritize issues efficiently, and fosters trust and reliability in the app.
  • Cons: Users may not always provide sufficient detail in bug reports, duplicate bug reports may occur, and some bugs may be challenging to reproduce or fix.
Feedback Widgets and Buttons

Feedback widgets and buttons streamline the feedback process, providing users with a quick and accessible way to share their thoughts or suggestions within the app interface. These features are strategically placed within the app, allowing users to easily access them. Upon interaction, users may be directed to a feedback form or prompted to engage with customer support.

Users can tap on the feedback widget/button to initiate the feedback process. Depending on the implementation, they may be presented with options to choose the type of feedback they want to provide or directly enter their comments.

  • Pros: Promotes user engagement and feedback collection, enhances user experience by providing a seamless feedback mechanism, and encourages users to share their thoughts and suggestions.
  • Cons: Users may overlook or ignore feedback widgets/buttons, may not provide detailed feedback through these quick access points, and require careful placement and design to be effective.

Feedback Collection During User Interaction

Chatbots and AI-Driven Feedback:

Chatbots and AI-driven feedback systems offer users an interactive way to provide feedback and receive assistance within the app. Leveraging artificial intelligence, these systems understand user inquiries and respond with relevant information or prompts. They can assist users in providing feedback, troubleshooting issues, or answering questions.

Users can interact with chatbots or AI-driven feedback systems through a chat interface within the app. They can ask questions, request assistance, or provide feedback, and the system responds accordingly.

  • Pros: Provides immediate assistance and feedback collection, enhances user engagement and satisfaction, and reduces the need for human intervention in basic support tasks.
  • Cons: May not always accurately understand user queries or provide satisfactory responses, lacks the personal touch of human support, and requires ongoing refinement to improve accuracy and effectiveness.
In-App Chat/Messaging:

In-app chat or messaging features facilitate direct communication between users and support representatives or other users within the app. Users can initiate chats or messages to communicate with support agents, seek assistance, or engage with other users in real-time or near real-time conversations.

 Users can access the chat/messaging feature through a dedicated chat window or messaging interface within the app. They can then send messages, receive replies, and conversions as needed.

  • Pros: Facilitates immediate communication and support, fosters a sense of community and belonging among users, and allows for personalized assistance and feedback collection.
  • Cons: Requires resources to manage and respond to incoming messages, may not be scalable for large user bases, and potential for delays in response times during peak periods.

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Smiley Faces or Star Ratings:

Smiley faces or star ratings offer users a quick and intuitive way to express their satisfaction level with the app or specific features. Users select an icon representing their satisfaction level, providing developers with quantitative data on user sentiment.

 Smileys or star ratings are typically presented at strategic points within the app. Users can quickly tap on their chosen icon to submit their rating.

  • Pros: Offers a simple and efficient way for users to provide feedback, encourages user engagement and participation, and provides developers with quantitative data on user satisfaction.
  • Cons: Limited in-depth feedback compared to other methods, may not capture the nuances of user experience, potential for skewed results due to user bias or misunderstanding of rating scale.
Contextual Feedback:

Contextual feedback prompts users to provide feedback at specific points within the app where their insights are most relevant. It aims to gather targeted feedback on particular features or interactions, increasing the likelihood of receiving timely and relevant insights.

 Developers implement contextual feedback prompts at key touchpoints within the app. Users can then provide feedback directly relevant to their recent experience.

  • Pros: Increases the likelihood of receiving timely and relevant feedback, captures user insights when they are most engaged with the app and helps identify pain points and areas for improvement.
  • Cons: Requires careful timing and placement to avoid interrupting the user experience, may be perceived as intrusive if not implemented thoughtfully, limited to collecting feedback on specific interactions or events.
Shake & Report

The Shake & Report feature offers users a convenient and intuitive way to report issues or provide feedback while using customer experience apps. Users can shake their device to activate the feature, prompting a feedback submission process. This functionality aims to reduce friction in the feedback submission process and encourage user engagement.

 Users can utilize the Shake & Report feature whenever they encounter a problem, experience a bug, or have feedback to share while using the app. The feature is typically enabled by default but may be customizable or optional.

  • Pros: Provides a quick and easy way for users to report issues or provide feedback, reduces friction in the feedback submission process, encourages user engagement and participation.
  • Cons: May be accidentally triggered by users, leading to unintentional feedback submissions, requires developers to implement and optimize the feature for accuracy and effectiveness, may not be suitable for all types of feedback.

Heatmaps visually represent user interactions within the app, highlighting areas of interest, engagement, or frustration. These insights into user behavior and preferences help developers optimize app design and user experience. Heatmaps track and analyze user interactions such as taps, swipes, and scrolls, providing actionable insights for app optimization.

Developers utilize heatmaps to analyze user behavior and identify patterns, trends, and areas for improvement within the app. Heatmap data informs decision-making regarding app design, layout, and feature optimization.

  • Pros: It offers actionable insights into user behavior, identifies usability issues, and supports data-driven decision-making.
  • Cons: However, it needs integration with analytics tools, may be hard to interpret without expertise, and only captures user interactions without revealing motivations.

Community and Social Interaction

User Forums and Communities:

User forums and communities provide a platform for users to engage with each other, share experiences, ask questions, and provide feedback. These platforms foster a sense of community among users and enable peer-to-peer support, allowing users to learn from each other and contribute to the collective knowledge base.

Users can participate in discussions, ask questions, and share feedback within the forum or community platform. They can interact with other users, as well as with moderators or representatives from the app developer.

  • Pros: It promotes peer support, fosters community, and encourages ongoing engagement and feedback.
  • Cons: Yet, it needs constant moderation, might miss users who don't participate actively, and the feedback may not reflect the entire user base.
Social Media Channels:

Social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram serve as platforms for users to connect with app developers, share feedback, and engage with content related to the app. App developers can use social media to communicate updates, address user concerns, and gather feedback from their audience.

Users can follow the app developer's social media accounts to stay updated on news and announcements, as well as interact with the developer and other users through comments, messages, and posts.

  • Pros: It allows instant communication and interaction, broadens app visibility, and fosters public discussions and feedback sharing.
  • Cons: However, it demands constant monitoring of social media accounts, scattered feedback across channels complicates analysis, and negative remarks might harm app reputation publicly.

Analytical Feedback

App Usage Analytics:

App usage analytics involve tracking and analyzing user behavior within the app to gain insights into how users interact with different features, screens, and content. These analytics can provide valuable feedback on user preferences, engagement patterns, and areas for optimization.

Developers integrate analytics tools into the app to collect data on user interactions, such as taps, swipes, session durations, and feature usage. This data is then analyzed to identify trends and patterns.

  • Pros: It gives clear feedback that can be measured and helps focus on specific areas of the app. Plus, it shows how user feelings change over time.
  • Cons: But not everyone might respond, and the questions provided might not cover everything users want to say. Also, it needs careful planning to make sure the questions are fair.

Survey-Based Feedback

Surveys and Polls:

Surveys and polls are structured methods for gathering feedback from users by presenting them with a series of questions or options to choose from. These can be conducted within the app or through other channels such as email or social media. Surveys and polls allow developers to gather quantitative data on user preferences, opinions, and satisfaction levels.

Developers can create and distribute surveys or polls to users through various channels, including within the app itself. Users are prompted to participate and provide their feedback by answering questions or selecting options.

  • Pros: It offers structured, measurable feedback, allows targeted data collection, and tracks user sentiment changes.
  • Cons: Yet, it may yield lower response rates, be confined by provided questions, and needs meticulous design for unbiased results.
In-App NPS (Net Promoter Score) Surveys:

In-App Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys measure user satisfaction and loyalty by asking users to rate how likely they are to recommend the app to others. Users are typically presented with a scale ranging from 0 to 10 and categorized as Promoters, Passives, or Detractors based on their responses.

NPS surveys can be integrated into the app interface, appearing at strategic points during the user journey. Users are prompted to rate their likelihood of recommending the app after completing a specific action or interaction.

  • Pros: Provides a standardized metric for measuring user satisfaction and loyalty, offering actionable insights into areas for improvement. Additionally, it allows for the tracking of changes in user sentiment over time.
  • Cons: Limited to measuring user sentiment solely based on the likelihood to recommend, potentially overlooking other aspects of the user experience.

External Feedback Channels

Ratings and Reviews:

Ratings and reviews enable users to share their opinions and experiences with the app publicly on app stores. Users can rate the app on a scale and write a review detailing their experiences, likes, dislikes, and suggestions. This feedback provides valuable social proof and influences potential users' decisions to download or use the app.

Users can rate and review the app directly within the app store interface after downloading and using the app. They can also update their reviews over time based on their ongoing experiences with the app.

  • Pros: Offers social proof and credibility to potential users, provides developers with insights into user satisfaction and areas for improvement, encourages ongoing engagement and feedback from users.
  • Cons: Reviews may be biased or influenced by individual experiences, negative reviews can impact app reputation and download rates, developers have limited control over review content and visibility.

Customer Support Emails:

Customer support emails provide users with a direct channel to communicate with app developers or support representatives for assistance, feedback, or issue resolution. Users can send emails detailing their queries, issues, or feedback, and support representatives respond accordingly.

Users typically send customer support emails when they encounter technical issues, have questions about app features, or wish to provide feedback that is not urgent or time-sensitive.

  • Pros: Offers personalized assistance and support to users, allows for detailed communication and problem-solving, and enables users to provide feedback or suggestions at their convenience.
  • Cons: Response times may vary depending on support team availability, users may experience delays in issue resolution or feedback acknowledgment and require resources to manage and respond to incoming emails.


In-app feedback is the golden ticket to understanding your users and creating an app they love. By implementing the strategies outlined above, you'll gain valuable insights that can revolutionize your mobile app.

Ready to harness the power of in-app feedback but don't have the development resources in-house? Partnering with a reputable mobile app development services company can be the perfect solution. Our specialists, whether you're searching for a mobile app development company in US or elsewhere, can transform your vision into a reality. We will seamlessly integrate in-app feedback features to unlock a treasure trove of user data.

Don't wait! Partner with our mobile app development services company today and watch your app soar to new heights!

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